miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020


Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras 
Asignatura: Inglés
Prof: Harrison Jáquez

 Competencias fundamentals:
-        Comunicativa
-        Pensamiento lógico, creative y crítico

Funciones comunicativas:
-        Reportar informaciones o ideas

Concepto: Lengua y comunicación

Copiar en el cuaderno y enviar las imágenes a este correo antes del lunes 30 de marzo: harrison4d@gmail.com
‘’Cada imagen debe tener su nombre completo’’
Cualquier duda pregunten

 Have Something Done Exercise 
I repaired my computer         -I did it myself
I had my computer repaired -someone else did it

 A LLena los espacios en blanco utilizando have o get y los verbos de forma correcta.

1          We ................... the roof.................. last year. It cost us a packet. (repair)
2          Anne ................... her hair.................. every Friday afternoon. (do)
3          I ................... the brakes.................. three times a year. (check)
4          The government ................... the whole town................... yesterday. (evacuate)
5          I ................... my hard drive.................. for a bigger one last week. (change)
6          When did you last ................... the airconditioning................. ? (service)
7          You don't think Liv Tyler's beautiful?! You should ................... your eyes........................................................................................................................ (test)
8          After the plague of fleas, the boss ................... the office................... (disinfect)
9          Your cat's coughing. You need to ................... him.................. for parasites. (treat)
10          Daphne ................... her legs.................. once a fortnight. (do)
11          I normally ................... my suit dry.................. before a wedding. (clean)
12          The headmaster ................... all the lockers.................. for the missing footballs yesterday. (search)
13          Have you ................... your house................. ? (double-glaze)
14          Have you ................... that poster I bought you................... yet? (frame)
15          The house is in chaos. We're ................... a new kitchen.................. in. (put)

 B Escribe 5 oraciones.

1     _______________________________________________________________________
2     _______________________________________________________________________
3     _______________________________________________________________________
4     _______________________________________________________________________
5.   _______________________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________________________________
8. _______________________________________________________________________
9. _______________________________________________________________________
10. ______________________________________________________________________
C. Cambia los ejemplos a forma causative con la siguiente estructure: ‘have + object + past participle’ or ‘get + object + past participle’. For example: I cleaned my kitchen (have) →
I had my kitchen cleaned.
1.      I washed my car. (have)

2.      I cut my hair. (get)

3.      I typed the documents. (have)

4.      I fixed my washing machine. (get)

5.      I cut my grass. (have)

6.      I painted my bedroom. (get)

7.      I repaired my fridge. (have)

8.      I tidied my garden. (get)

9.      I edited the article. (have)

10.   I cleaned the carpets. (get)

Recuerden cuidarse y consumir vitamina C suficiente. Lavente las manos continuamente y quedense en casa. Mantenganse repasando y espero volver a verles pronto!

Teacher Harrison Jaquez

2 comentarios:

  1. Disculpen jovenes. Es Teacher Harrison. Pienso que cuando hice el doble check no me percaté. Son 10 oraciones. Feliz dia
