martes, 24 de marzo de 2020


Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras
Asignatura: Inglés
Prof: Harrison Jáquez

Concepto: Lengua y comunicación

Los comparativos:

El comparativo se usa en inglés para comparar diferencias entre los dos objetos a los que modifica (larger, smaller, faster, higher). Se emplea en oraciones donde comparamos dos nombres, de la manera siguiente estructura:
Nombre (sujeto) + verbo + adjetivo en grado comparativo + than + nombre (objeto)

Cuando el adjetivo tiene una silaba o dos termina à - er (recuerda que cuando un adjetivo con una vocal entre dos consonates se repite la ultima consonante)

old à older slow à slower warm à warmer  tall à taller

big à bigger, hot à hotter heavy à heavier, happy à happier
 I.  Write the comparative form:                Write the opposite.

new                                long                             nice                            big                                            good                             fat                              modern                                       friendly                                   famous                      

younger                                     cleaner             darker            more boring                               hotter                happier                                                           easier                smaller                                                            cheaper             

 II.  Write comparative sentences using the verbs in brackets
 1.      My house is (big)                       than yours.
2.      This flower is (beautiful)                             than that one.
3.      A holiday by the sea is (good)                   than a holiday in the mountains.
4.      The weather this summer is even (bad)              than last summer.
5.      I think mathematics is (difficult)                    than English.

III.  Complete the sentences. Use the comparative.

1.      Joe’s car isn’t very fast. He wants a                one.
2.      My job isn’t very interesting. I want to do something                             
3.      The weather isn’t very warm today. Yesterday it was                             
4.      People aren’t very polite today. In the past they were                             
5.      This sofa isn’t very comfortable. That one is                                 
6.      This coat is nice, but I think the other one is                     

IV.   Write three sentences using comparative adjectives.


1.     ____________________________________________________________
2.     ____________________________________________________________
3.     ____________________________________________________________
4.     ____________________________________________________________
5.     ____________________________________________________________
6.     ____________________________________________________________
7.     ____________________________________________________________
8.     ____________________________________________________________
9.     ____________________________________________________________
10.  ____________________________________________________________

V.   Complete with a comparative adjective and all the necessary words.

1.     English / maths (important)

2.     A tortoise / a cat (slow)

3.     My friend / I (handsome)

4.     A tiger / a rabbit (dangerous)

5.     The North Pole / Africa (cold)

6.     Swimming / skating (easy)

7.     The Eiffel Tower / my house (big)

8.     A stone / a feather (heavy)

9.     Planes / cars (fast)
10.  Giraffes / ostriches (tall)

 Copiar en el cuaderno y enviar las imágenes a este correo antes del lunes 30 de marzo:

‘’Cada imagen debe tener su nombre completo’’
Cualquier duda pregunten


Recuerden cuidarse y consumir vitamina C suficiente. Lavente las manos continuamente y quedense en casa. Mantenganse repasando y espero volver a verles pronto!
                                         Teacher Harrison Jáquez              

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