martes, 31 de marzo de 2020


Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras
Asignatura: Inglés
Prof. Harrison Jáquez

Competencias fundamentals:

-        Comunicativa
-        Pensamiento lógico, creative y crítico
 Funciones comunicativas:
-        Narrar hechos reales o imaginarios

Concepto: Actividades de eventos pasados

  Copiar en el cuaderno y enviar las imágenes a este correo antes del 03 de Abril:
‘’Cada imagen debe tener su nombre complete, numero y curso’’
Cualquier duda preguntar

Grammar: Used to/Would
 Antes de comenzar con la diferencia de ¨used to¨ y ¨would¨ para hablar sobre actividades o estados recurrentes en el pasado, hay que tener claro la diferencia de verbos de acción (action verbs) y verbos de estado (state verbs).
Usa ¨used to + verbo¨ para hablar sobre acciones recurrentes y para estados a largo plazo en el pasado. I used to want to live in a big city, but not anymore.
Usa ¨would + verbo¨ para hablar sobre acciones recurrentes en el pasado (NO para estados). I would fight a lot with my sister when we were young, but now we’re good friends.
State vs action verbs
Action verbs (run, eat, go, walk, think, argue, find, drink, dance, play, feel, etc.): Son verbos que hablan de acciones.
State verbs (be, understand, like, love, hate, know, sound, depend, remember, prefer, etc.): Son verbos que hablan más de estados y no de acciones. Estos verbos no se suelen poner en la forma continua.
I.                 Complete the sentences with WOULD or USED TO and the verbs in the parenthesis. (angue, be, eat, go, have, live, read, spend)
1.     My parents _____________ a computer, but now they’ve got three!
2.     I _____________ much before, but now I love books and ebooks.
3.     We always _____________ Saturdays at the seaside.
4.     I _____________ with my brother. We always got on really well.
5.     My best friend at primary school _____________ a boy called Gustavo.
6.     I _____________ a lot of chocolate, but I don’t eat much now.
II.               Think about people’s lives 200 years ago: communication, entertainment, clothes, work, shopping, etc. How were they different from yours? Make a paragraph about that.
III.             Make Affirmative, negative sentences or questions using USED TO:
1. I / live in a flat when I was a child. I used to live in a flat when I was a child
2.  We / go to the beach every summer?
3. She / love eating chocolate, but now she hates it
4. He / not / smoke
5. I / play tennis when I was at school
6. She / be able to speak French, but she has forgotten it all
7. He / play golf every weekend?
8. They both / have short hair
9. Julie / study Portuguese
10. I / not / hate school

 Recuerden cuidarse y consumir vitamina C suficiente. Lavense las manos continuamente y quedense en casa. Mantenganse repasando y espero volver a verles pronto!

 Teacher Harrison Jaquez

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