martes, 14 de abril de 2020


Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras
Asignatura: Inglés
Prof. Harrison Jáquez

 Competencias fundamentals:
-        Comunicativa
-        Pensamiento lógico, creative y crítico

Funciones comunicativas:
-        Reportar informaciones o ideas

Concepto: Lengua y comunicación

Copiar en el cuaderno y enviar las imágenes a este correo antes del Lunes 20 de Abril:
‘’Cada imagen debe tener su nombre completo, numero y curso’’
Cualquier duda preguntar

Tema: Inversion: adding emphasis

Copiar las definiciones y completer el ejercicio.

Podemos agregar énfasis a una oración cambiando el orden formal de las palabras de una oración (inversión)
La oración suena más formal y a menudo se usa en inglés escrito / formal. La estructura de la oración se puede dar en el siguiente orden:

Negative word or expression

Auxiliary or Modal Verb


Main Verb


Las palabras / expresiones "negativas" más comunes son:

No solo, no hasta, no antes ... que, nunca, apenas / apenas ... cuando, rara vez, solo cuando, bajo ninguna circunstancia, de ninguna manera


Normal  sentence
Inverted Sentence /emphasis

As soon as the teacher left the classroom, the students started shouting.
No sooner had the teacher left the classroom than the children started shouting
We had just started playing tennis when it began to rain heavily.
Hardly had we started playing tennis when it began to rain heavily.
I will never  speak to her again.
Never will I speak to her again.
The workers will not end the strike until their requests are satisfied.
Not until their requests are satisfied, will the workers end the strike.
You rarely meet such a stubborn man!
Rarely do you meet such a stubborn man!
You should leave the office before 5 p.m. under no circumstances.
Under no circumstances should you leave the office
Ahora parafrasea las oraciones usando la inversión

1.     The meeting started only when all the participants had arrived.
Only when ________________________________________________
2.     He shouted at her and he smashed the window.
Not only ________________________________________________
3.     You rarely meet such polite people nowadays.
Rarely ________________________________________________
4.     The party had just started when the lights went out.
Hardly ________________________________________________

5.     Fruit is not only delicious; it is full of vitamins.
Not only ________________________________________________

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