martes, 12 de mayo de 2020


Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras
Asignatura: Inglés
Prof. Harrison Jáquez

Competencias fundamentals:
-        Comunicativa
-        Pensamiento lógico, creative y crítico

Funciones comunicativas:
-        Solicitar y ofrecer razonamientos y explicaciones.
-        Expresar ideas sobre un tema abstracto o cultural

Concepto: Lengua y comunicación

Copiar en el cuaderno y enviar las imágenes a este correo antes del Lunes 18 de Mayo:
‘’Cada imagen debe tener su nombre completo, numero y curso’’
Cualquier duda preguntar

‘’Pido disculpas porque no recibí los codigos para los libros digitales. Espero que no haya sido una molestia’’.

Unidad 5
  1. Passives.
The passive is very common in formal written English. We use it in the following situations:

       When we don't know the agent (the person,  thing who did the action).
Ex: I saw that a window had been broken.

       When the agent is obvious, or not important.
Ex: All the tickets for the concert were sold in the first hour.

       When the agent is new information and we want to emphasize it by putting it at the end.
Ex: The witness was cross-examined by the prosecutor.

       We often use the following passive to distance ourselves from a statement.
Ex: It is estimated that up 5% of all prisoners in the USA are innocent.

  1.  Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Then rewrite them without using the passive form.
1.      (Passive) It's expected that violent crime will continue to decrease.
(Active) Violent crime is expected to continue to decrease.
2.      It's often said that…
3.      In my country,  it's considered that…
4.      It isn't widely known that …
5.      It's estimated that…
6.      Five hundred years ago,  it was thought that…
7.      It's feared that…

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