martes, 12 de mayo de 2020


Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras
Asignatura: Inglés
Prof. Luisa Indhira Arias

Competencias fundamentales:
-        Comunicativa
-        Pensamiento lógico, creativo y crítico
Funciones Comunicativa:
-        Aprender y poner en práctica el pasado del verbo TO BE
Concepto: Lengua y Comunicación
Copiar en el cuaderno y enviar las imágenes a este correo
      Fecha envio: May 19th 2020

El pasado del verbo TO BE (am, is, are) en inglés tiene dos formas: WAS  y WERE
Las oraciones afirmativas son de la siguiente manera:
I was happy
He was angry
She was sad
It was cold
You were at home
We were at school
They were at Cuba


Para realizar oraciones negativas se agrega “not” después del verbo was o were
               Was not=wasn’t                 Were not=wern´t

 I wasn´t  out side
He wasn´t out side
She wasn´t out side
It wasn´t out side
We weren´t at school
You weren´t at school
They weren´t at school


Para formular las preguntas debemos colocar WAS /WERE al inicio de la oración y al final el signo de interrogación.

Ex.: Was Luis sad?
Las respuestas cortas positivas y negativas son:

Yes I was
Yes, he was
Yes, she was
Yes, it was
Yes, we were
Yes, you were
Yes, they were,

No, I wasn´t
No, he wasn´t
No, she wasn´t
No, we weren´t
No, you weren´t
No, They weren´t


I)                Use was or were for these affirmative sentences.

1)     I ________ in Cabrera Last Spring
2)     We___________at school last Saturday
3)     Thina__________at home yesterday
4)     He _________ happy
5)     Jessica and Kimberly___________ late for the bus.
6)     Susan_________ a very pretty girl.
7)     The Movie________ very bad
8)     The baseball players__________ tired.
9)     The workers__________ stressed
10)  The Ladies __________ at the shopping mall.

II)              Change these sentences into negative

1)     You were angry
2)     It was cold
3)     The Cat was on the roof
4)     The Cildren were in the garden
5)     I was happy

III)            Choose was/were and answer them

1)________she angry with you? (+)
2)_________The movie good? (-)
3)__________they in mexico?(+)
4)____________you at the party? (-)

    Recuerden cuidarse siempre. Lávense las manos continuamente y quédense en casa. Manténganse repasando y espero volver a verles pronto!
                                         Teacher Luisa Indhira Arias

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